A collection of all the beautiful moments of the sky captured by our beloved members. Click to enlarge.

The Moon and its Craters
The most captivating and detailed image of the moon we have ever captured.

Orion Nebula (Messier 42)
Orion Nebula in all its beauty, taken using the club's 8" telescope in the early hours of 6th October, 2023. Credit: Sourav Kumar

The last blue supermoon for 14 years was captured by the club using our 8" telescope and many hours of processing to obtain the high quality photograph. Credit: Vasanth Kashyap and Vishal Meena

A Composite Image of the Moon
This is a composite image of the moon where we can also observe earthshine. During its cresent phase, the darker side of the Moon reflects indirect sunlight reflected from the Earth, while the other side reflects direct sunlight. Credit: Sourav Kumar

Blood Moon
A composite of the various phases of the moon during a lunar eclipse as seen during a 30 minute span through our 11" telescope.

Partial Solar Eclipse
The last solar eclipse of 2022 began at 4:56 pm and continued till sunset. We had conducted an observation session on the roof of SPS.

Milky Way
Another amazingly detailed picture of the Mily Way spreading its arms, captured without a telescope! Credit: Sourav Kumar

Star Trails
They dance at night, their intricate yet ordered dance. No wonder, our eyes gravitate towards them at every chance. Credit: Adesh Thawale

Andromeda Galaxy
"A queen among stars, gracing winter skies; Magnetic eyes, rewarding those patient enough to look for her - the Andromeda Galaxy". Winner of the winning the Astrophotography contest held as part of Rhapsody, IISc Bangalore. Credit: Adesh Thawale

Messier 51 (Whirlpool Galaxy)
Another stunning image of the Whirlpool galaxy, captured by NAC.

The Occultation of Mars by the Moon
On 17th April 2021, we managed to capture a unique site of the re-emergence of Mars from behind the Moon.

Messier 104 (Sombrero Galaxy)
The dark region there is the galactic dust blocking the light from the stars in the galaxy. The brighter area in the middle is the galactic nucleus with a black-hole on a strict diet. Captured using the 11-inch. Credit: Satyam Chandra Mishra and Karan

Messier 51 (Whirlpool Galaxy)
The larger M51a (NGC5194) and and a photobomb by its lesser known companion M51b(NGC5195). Located within the constellation Canes Venatici. Credit: Satyam Chandra Mishra and Karan

The Ring Nebula
The Ring Nebula, captured by NAC. Credit: Satyam Chandra Mishra and Karan

The International Space Station
This picture was taken by the squad of NAC members at the premises of NISER to witness the ISS skim through the sky. Painstakingly tracked via the 8-inch Skywatcher Equatorial Mount reflecting type telescope with well-trained hands and expert timing, this image carries a signature of intense planning and execution.

Milky Way
Another stunning image of the Milky Way seen along with NISER's meditation center.

Milky Way meets Meditation Centre
Milky Way, setting behind NISER's meditation center on 21st August, 2017. Credit: Satyam Chandra Mishra and Manabputra

Pleides Cluster
This is an open star cluster very close to Earth and is a brilliant sight to even the naked eye, with the stars going in and out of sight in response to atmospheric turbulence.

Milky Way
Milky Way galaxy spreading its arms; captured by the members from NISER's backyard.

Messier 31 (Andromeda Galaxy)
The image captures only its bright nucleus owing to its low brightness, apart from light pollution. Upon closer inspection, the galactic arms can be discerned by the sudden dip in intensity around the nucleus.

Orion Nebula (Messier 42)
"..angel's breath against a frosted sky", the Orion nebula in all its glory captured by our 8" telescope. Credit: Karan Mahajan