
Its not just pretty pictures. We also do some cool science. Here are some projects we have conducted in the club.

Eccentricity of the Moon's Orbit using a Smartphone and the 6-inch telescope

Eccentricity of the Moon's Orbit using a Smartphone and the 6-inch telescope

Utilizing a smartphone and a 6-inch telescope, Subhajit, Swayamjit, Aditya, and Anshika (Batch 23) skillfully calculated the eccentricity of the Moon's orbit. The project was conceptualized and supported by Pratik and Rabi (Batch 22).

Determining the orbital periods of Jupiter's Galilean moons and verifying Kepler's 3rd law using a smartphone and the 6-inch telescope

Determining the orbital periods of Jupiter's Galilean moons and verifying Kepler's 3rd law using a smartphone and the 6-inch telescope

Employing similar tools, Aparajita and Pratik K. (Batch 23) determined the orbital periods of Jupiter's Galilean moons and verified Kepler's Third Law. Their meticulous approach was enhanced by Dr. G. Santosh B's guidance on error analysis.

The Ballet of the Medicean Stars

The Ballet of the Medicean Stars

Our aim here was to find out the time-period of 4 bright moons of Jupiter (IO, Callisto, Ganymede, and Europa) on pure experimental background i.e., without using any theoretical knowledge. Further we also used the data to find the mass of Jupiter using some basic literature on the topic.

Stellar Spectroscopy

Stellar Spectroscopy

This was a semester-long experimental project aiming to design and build a dedicated spectrometer for NAC's own 11-inch CPC Deluxe 1100 HD telescope by using a diffraction grating and a planetary CMOS sensor.