Stellar Spectroscopy

Niti Singh and Abhinav Roy worked on a semester-long experimental project aiming to design and build a dedicated spectrometer for NAC's own 11-inch CPC Deluxe 1100 HD telescope by using a diffraction grating and a planetary CMOS sensor. The aim was to capture spectra of celestial objects, hoping that the project becomes a meaningful addition to the field of stellar spectroscopy. The project was divided into two phases, the initial stage focused on precise spectrometer design, wavelength calibration, and construction of the spectrometer mount for seamless integration with the telescope. While the latter half of the project centered on astronomical observations, capturing and analyzing spectra of various stars like Sirius, Vega, Betelgeuse, Procyon, and Capella.

The final report including the findings and analysis are given here -

For more information, click here.